CICS-Juggler is a multiple session manager that allows you to conduct up to nine concurrent CICS applications. It requires no hardware changes or modifications to your existing software. Furthermore, CICS-Juggler won't introduce a degradation in system performance or user response times.
CICS-Juggler displays information from each transaction in four different window configurations. Panning and scrolling, or bringing information into view with simple commands keeps the user in complete control of the windows and logical terminals. Comparing on-line information is easy-to-do when using the CICS-Juggler window facility. Information in the form of transactions, core-dumps, reports, program sorts, etc. can now be compared against one another, without having to write it down or print-it-off.
Hours of processing and waiting time are saved each month!
CICS-Juggler will display information from each transaction in four different window configurations.
Display up to 9 different virtual terminals on the same physical screen
Instantly toggle between the sessions using only one keystroke
Simple and easy to use
Operates by using a PF or PA key
Complete control over whichever application is currently selected
Easily transfer information from one transaction to another using the copy and paste capability
Expand terminal capabilities by having up to nine virtual terminals on each physical terminal
Save time by not having to log on and off when switching between applications
Easy installation
Requires no software modification; no hardware changes and easy to install.
Highly customizable
Easily tailored to suit your specific needs and environment.
Exclusion lists
Exclusions of certain physical terminals and users.
Log in / off procedures
Sign-off and termination procedures.
VTAM level file storage
Use of VTAM file storage for saving information.
Copy and paste
Copy and paste information with ease.
Terminal View
View another terminal.
User menu generation
Generate user menus.
Help system
Online Help system.
Session Hot keys
Assign sessions to keys.